Transmission Medium Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
Which of the following cable helps to transfer the data on the network?
Wired transmission media is also known as _______
Which of the following electromagnetic wave comes in unguided media?
Which cable transfers the data in the form of light?
Infrared waves are mostly used for ________
Unbounded Transmission Media is also known as ______
The electromagnetic wave frequency ranging in between 300 GHz to 400 THz are called ________
Which is the following cable is the guided media?
Guided transmission media is also known as ______
Which type of cable is mostly used in telephone networks?
The core of an optical fiber cable is _________
Which if the following wave must be in line of sight?
Which of the following electromagnetic wave not comes in unguided media?
Wireless transmission media is also known as ______
Which is the following cable is not guided media?